a full service music production company.




AUDIO ˈôdēō • combining form relating to hearing or sound.
MYSTIC ˈmistik • person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect.
The Audio Mystics Agency began with a deep conversation during a recording session. As producers, musicians, writers, and engineers (there may have been a few label folks there too) sat in the break room discussing their philosophies on Music, we came to a solid conclusion: Music is a Universal Language and a gift from a Higher Power.
The thought that we can connect to one another through voices and instruments creating vibrations through wires, converted in binary code from one computer to another, and then beamed to any person in the world felt like discovering a Great Truth just beyond our understanding.
As cliché as that may sound, that conversation turned into a passion for making Music that we could feel… and our clients feel it too. Whether it be for the stage, or for the screen, we approach every project with an excitement to make something greater than ourselves.